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Waterway & Maritime Transportation

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Nearly all water-related projects have a federal nexus and even completely private projects with no federal nexus must comply with the Clean Water Act’s Section 10 regulations on habitat conservation planning. This is true for:

  • Real estate development

  • Port and channel dredging

  • River dredging

  • Road construction

  • Superfund restoration

For decades, the Dawson team has successfully lobbied federal agencies, including the Army Corps of Engineers and the Fish & Wildlife Service, on behalf of dozens of clients in the construction and navigation industries. Our team’s knowledge encompasses the legal issues surrounding these complicated issues. Equally important, Dawson professionals have extensive firsthand knowledge of the process federal officials use to evaluate compliance.

From a legal standpoint, both the Clean Water and the Endangered Species Acts are good legal hooks for anyone opposing a particular project. There is little leeway in these Acts’ provisions and failure to prepare can lead to costly litigation.

With the Dawson & Associates team lobbying on your behalf, you can minimize this risk and keep your project moving forward. We have a reputation for success in federal waterway and maritime advocacy. Find out more by contacting us today!

Specialty Areas

  • Clean Water Act compliance and permitting 

  • Endangered Species Act 

  • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) preparation and requirements 

  • Leadership and decision making 

  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) permitting process 

  • Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act navigable waters permitting

Case Studies

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Everglades Protection
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Federal Waterway Policy Assistance
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Defense Contractor Marketing

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