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Urban River Restoration

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Dozens of major rivers flowing though urban areas have high levels of pollution. Widespread environmental and human health problems have created substantial pressure for remediation from EPA and other federal and state agencies. The Dawson & Associates Urban River Restoration Practice has a successful track record of creating federal/state/private sector partnerships to address river restoration challenges while resolving responsible party liability. Several of our experts have been involved for more than a decade in the federal Urban Rivers Restoration Initiative (URRI), a cooperative effort between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Environmental Protection Agency.

Our unparalleled experience with the Corps of Engineers and EPA helps our team guide consensus building among our clients and government agencies, eliminating the prospect of litigation in favor of more cost-effective cooperative solutions.

Specialty Areas

  • Federal appropriations and authorization 

  • Leadership and decision making 

  • Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act navigable waters permitting 

  • Section 404 Clean Water Act discharge regulations 

  • Superfund & Natural Resource Damages cleanup 

  • Water Resource Development Act authorizations

Case Studies

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Federal Waterway Policy Assistance
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Superfund Restoration

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