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Dawson has helped many developers gain federal environmental permit approvals ahead of schedule

Infrastructure project developers, builders and owners must navigate all types of permits and approvals from local, state, and federal boards, agencies, and permit-granting authorities.  At the federal level, large-scale development projects necessitate a full appreciation of NEPA, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act documentation and processes.


Whether your real estate project is residential, industrial, commercial, retail, or mixed use in nature, achieving successful and sustainable federal permit decisions requires a broad knowledge of land use law, environmental permitting procedures, regulatory processes, and political sensitivities.


Dawson & Associates has extensive experience managing and accelerating complicated transactions between our clients and federal agencies.  Our experience includes successfully working with officials at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, the Department of Defense, and other agencies.  Dawson & Associates has succeeded in making projects possible that otherwise appeared unlikely to occur.


Developers often risk lengthy delays by providing agencies documentation that would have been made stronger with a more robust vetting process prior to submission.  Dawson & Associates helps clients understand today’s complex requirements and take actions that reduce or eliminate unnecessary delays.


Some development projects may require multiple agreements for use of federal dredged material disposal sites, mineral rights, flood control easements or mitigation banking.  In select cases, permit applicants have successfully gained approval through land exchanges between the federal government and a private or non-federal agency.


The Dawson team includes former senior federal officials, including engineers, realty specialists and attorneys, who collectively have hundreds of years of experience with federal real estate regulation and land-related dealings with federal, state, and local agencies. They are experienced with the multitude of laws and processes that govern federal ownership, property disposal, property leasing and how agencies purchase, exchange and/or otherwise obtain property rights necessary for project approvals.


Team approach


Dawson & Associates works with clients who have land-related needs to prepare tailored proposals that help them achieve the desired result.  Specifically, Dawson & Associates will:


  • Identify each client’s unique needs and possible barriers to federal approval

  • Assist with legal and regulatory requirements including required documentation

  • Establish a communication plan to help keep the project approval process on schedule

  • Work with clients to manage the federal negotiation process

  • Respond to federal agency requests to maintain momentum for a successful permit review 

Case Studies


Following are several projects that illustrate the outcomes Dawson has enabled through collaboration with their clients and the agencies involved.

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