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Tribute to military engineering

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

A tip of the hat goes to Col. (Ret) John Mugge and the team at the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) for this excellent new video featuring our colleague Lt. Gen. (Ret) Hank Hatch, P.E., F.SAME.

A former President of SAME, Hank joined our team in 2012 after a remarkable career in the U.S. Army that culminated in being appointed Chief Engineer and Commanding General of the Corps of Engineers.  In the video, Hank recalls his time in the Army Corps of Engineers and as a teacher at West Point, where he had the unenviable task of lecturing plebes right after lunch.

Hank’s insights into the Corps and his love for the institution come through clearly. It’s a great video and certainly worth a view:

SAME deserves congratulations for putting together such an excellent video tribute.

Don Riley Senior Vice President

Maj. Gen. (Ret) Riley is a former Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


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