The US Army Corps of Engineers
Thousands of smart, exceptionally capable men and women serve every day in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. If you have an issue that involves the Corps, it’s a good idea to keep in mind certain protocols. These include the importance of extensive preparation and securing early, public support from stakeholders.
There’s much more than just these two, of course, and you can read more in the new issue of Engineering News-Record, the nation’s preeminent engineering publication whose editor-in-chief is Jan Tuchman. The author of this article is our own Don Riley, who was the Deputy Commanding General at the Corps and the Commanding General of the Corps’ Mississippi Valley Division.
An excerpt:
“[T]he Corps of Engineers has clear rules to follow, and, as with all federal agencies, it is constrained by law, policy and regulation. Outside parties who work with the Corps but do not understand the Corps’ operating limits can make common mistakes that lead to significant problems, including delays in decisions and failure to attain otherwise reachable goals. Project sponsors and permit applicants can be frustrated for years because of their lack of understanding of federal responsibilities and limitations.
At Dawson & Associates, our team members have more than 500 combined years of service with the Army Corps of Engineers. So we understand the importance of following Corps procedures.