Flood Risk Management

At Dawson & Associates, our experts have held leadership roles in the development and implementation of America’s flood management policies. Our Flood Risk Management team includes former public officials who helped design cost-sharing principles and other federal policies for water resources legislation affecting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They also have considerable experience in formulating Water Resources Development Act proposals and in drafting rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing key areas of the National Flood Insurance Program, including mapping, floodplain management and insurance.
Our experts have also had leading roles in federal and state flood response operations and have analyzed the impact of those policies on mining, energy, development, and financing. Among many clients, Dawson & Associates has assisted a major non-federal agency in a large metropolitan area in securing federal authorizing legislation and federal appropriations.
Taken together, the Dawson & Associates’ expertise in flood risk management is unique and unmatched. We understand the regulations and the science involved, which helps us design effective solutions for clients facing regulatory hurdles.
Specialty Areas
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) preparation and requirements
Federal appropriations and authorization
Leadership and decision making
Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act navigable waters permitting
Section 404 Clean Water Act discharge regulations
Section 408 Rivers and Harbors Act approval process
Water Resource Development Act authorizations