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Former Commander of Corps of Engineers New Orleans & Charleston Districts joins Dawson & Associates
Dawson & Associates is proud to announce that Col. (Ret) Edward Fleming, whose 25 years in the US Army Corps of Engineers included...
Mar 20, 2022

Corps of Engineers salutes Dawson colleague Steve Stockton
At a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ceremony on April 23, 2021, Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon, 55th Chief of Engineers, inducted our Dawson &...
Apr 27, 2021

Dawson colleague to teach GW University course on air quality management
The incoming Biden Administration will likely be a catalyst for significant Federal environmental and energy policy changes. Staying...
Jan 6, 2021

Maj. Gen. (ret) Bo Temple, RIP
Our Dawson colleague Bo Temple, whose 37 years of service in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers included serving as Deputy Commanding...
Nov 10, 2020

Win Porter, RIP
We're sad to pass along that James "Win" Porter, who ably served Dawson & Associates and our clients from 2002 to 2005, passed away...
Oct 15, 2020

Remembering Bill Gianelli
Our longtime colleague Bill Gianelli passed away on March 30 in Monterey, California. Bill was one of the original members of our firm in...
Apr 3, 2020

Welcome Rick Stevens, former Deputy Commander in the Army Corps of Engineers
At Dawson & Associates, our team is our greatest attribute and the primary reason for our clients’ success. Today, we’re honored to...
Sep 3, 2018

Our friend William Gianelli: A deserving tribute
We just received word that a longtime member of our team has received a wonderful tribute to his life’s work. On October 8th at the...
Nov 20, 2017

Federal permitting after Harvey & Irma
Widespread economic devastation in Florida and Houston from Hurricanes Irma and Harvey have put major attention on the Federal permit...
Sep 15, 2017

Understanding Federal emergency flood response
Hurricane Irma’s devastation along Florida’s Gulf Coast and the ongoing flooding problems in Houston have put an unprecedented strain on...
Sep 8, 2017

Hurricane Harvey’s impact on Corps of Engineer permitting
What impact will Hurricane Harvey have on permitting decisions from the Army Corps of Engineers? And what steps will the Corps take to...
Sep 4, 2017

A tribute to Ralph Regula
Ralph Regula passed away on July 19. I worked with Ralph for many years while he was Chairman of the House Interior Appropriations...
Aug 11, 2017

Hon. Ralph Regula, R.I.P.
With great sadness, we learned today that our longtime colleague, former U.S. Rep. Ralph Regula from Ohio, passed away. Ralph joined us...
Jul 20, 2017

A Tribute to Maj. Gen. (ret) Jimmy Bates
On March 30, 2017, our friend and colleague Jimmy Bates passed away. Even with his health challenges during the last few years, I had...
Apr 5, 2017

“A thousand moral paintings I can show”
With the coming of spring, we’ll take time out from policy analysis to pass along these photos of watercolors recently painted by our...
Apr 2, 2017

Thank you, Gen. Semonite & Corps leadership
On March 6, Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, Commander and Chief of Engineers for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other Corps of Engineers...
Mar 12, 2017

Cameron named to Interior Dept. transition
Kudos to our colleague Scott Cameron, who joined Dawson & Associates nearly 4 years ago. The Trump campaign just named Scott to its...
Dec 14, 2016

Dawson welcomes Mike Ensch, former Operations & Regulatory Chief at the Army Corps of Engineers
Dawson & Associates is delighted to welcome Mike Ensch, who oversaw Section 10 and Section 404 permitting for the Army Corps of Engineers...
Oct 13, 2016

Founder Bob Dawson receives Gold de Fleury Medal
In the engineering industry, no award is more respected than the Army Engineer Association’s Gold de Fleury Medal. On August 5, 2016, at...
Aug 11, 2016
The history & future of the Clean Water Act
Credit: Dave Davis, Pine Barrens, NJ With the average political soundbite on TV having shrunk to about 8 seconds, it’s refreshing to hear...
Jun 25, 2013
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